

'Building teams with drums and singing' with Tom Morley

Episode: 49

Tom Morley is called the ‘Rockstar Activator’. He was himself a rock star when playing in Scritti Politti, the band he co-founded in the punk era.

Now he helps teams and groups of all sizes get in touch with their own inner rock star. He does this by using drums and singing as a vehicle to release their authentic and creative selves.

Tom is on a mission to create “a revolution of imagination, activity, and coming together”. In this interview, he talks about his work with corporations right up to and including board level. He tells great, real life stories including how his drumming work with groups began when the lights went out at a gig Scritti were playing in Berlin back in the day.

Tom has a lot to say about modern business life. He has a wicked sense of humor and his stories are often downright hilarious!

His work is about ‘getting in the groove’. it’s a bit like a ‘flow’ state but with an added ingredient – mischief! This groove’s main ingredients are “discipline, surrender, and mischief”.

Please enjoy being entertained and inspired by Tom Morley in this PeopleSmart SAS production of ‘Leadership Luminaries’.



Following his time in the music business with the 80s band Scritti Politti Tom has developed a truly artistic way of living where every experience leads him to the humorous uncovering of some universal truths.

He turns his disasters and successes into stand-up comedy for conference audiences. 40 years onstage, first behind a drum kit then being the multi-talented frontman for whole troupes of performers earned him the name ‘The Rockstar Activator’.

Instant Teamwork is both Tom’s speciality and the name of his company. Team building, be it drumming or harmony singing is all very energizing on the day but how do you make that bonded feeling sustainable? Tom has devoted the last 20 years to answering that question and he turns up with a customized set of tools he is passionate about sharing.

Fascinated by the creative process Tom is passionate about sharing what he’s learned about art, rhythm, and harmony over the past 65 years. From playing kit drums with the Art School band Scritti Politti in his 20s, through songwriting in his 30s, to studying psychology and facilitation in his 40s, Tom eventually set up Instant Teamwork International in his 50s.

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