

  • “Learning By Breaking From Groups”
  • After the COVID-19 pandemic, our conventional view of work and employers as central to employees’ sense of value has been […]

  • What can corporate managers learn from sports coaches?
  • As a football coach for 12 years and a corporate project and people manager in the IT environment for 15 […]

  • What Some Leaders Get Wrong: An Experienced Consultant’s Inside View
  • When you shake a snow globe, snow falls onto an idyllic scene. No matter how hard you shake the globe, […]

  • The Current State of Executive Career Progression
  • In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s corporate world, the path to executive career progression is fraught with challenges that demand […]

  • Kindness
  • Few would disagree that we live in a world that needs kindness more than ever. However, I believe there are […]

  • AI vs Humanity
  • What follows is what they call an ‘Opinion Piece’ in that it represents a personal and grave concern I have […]

  • A Sense of Belonging
  • Belonging is a fundamental part of being human: We need people and this need is hardwired into our brains. It […]

  • The Trust Imperative
  • The business case for building trust The case for prioritizing trust building in any scenario is compelling. When compared with […]

  • What is your Employee Experience?
  • Definitions of EXP (Employee Experience) vary widely. Here are two recent examples.“Employee experience encapsulates what people encounter and observe over […]

  • Some Thoughts About Bold Leadership
  • Why is Bold Leadership more important now? In these difficult times people and organizations have a tendency to withdraw, become […]

  • The New Age of Learning
  • The world has changed dramatically over the past three years– and with it, the world of learning and development. Just […]

  • Business Mindset 2030: Humans & the Technology
  • Do you control your phone or does it control you?  According to a recent study in the US, 66% of […]

  • Pivoting your culture of ‘me’ into a culture of ‘we’
  • Where we’ve come from – The journey to ‘me’ The narrative of the individual has been the dominant voice in […]

  • Building a Learning Communities
  • If you are a Human Being reading this article then you are at the right place to understand why belonging […]

  • Re-defining Leadership in the COVID Era: Lean
  • Since the onset of the COVID crisis, there has been a very lively and rich discussion around what this all […]

  • Emotional Intelligence post-Covid 19
  • The Covid 19 pandemic has been re-shaping our lives for more than a year now. We had to change the […]

  • Re-defining Leadership in the COVID Era: Agility
  • Since the onset of the COVID crisis, there has been a very lively and rich discussion around what this all […]

  • Applying D&I in a Multicultural Environment: how it works at an embassy
  • The job of a diplomat is complex and multifaceted. By its nature, it requires one to operate in environments of […]

  • Re-defining Leadership in the COVID Era: Trust
  • Since the onset of the COVID crisis, there has been a very lively and rich discussion around what this all […]

  • Re-defining Leadership in the COVID Era: In Search of a New Acronym
  • Since the onset of the COVID crisis, there has been a very lively and rich discussion around what this all […]

  • Conflict Resolution through the lens of Hollywood classics
  • What do you think or feel when you hear the word “conflict”? This is a typical question we ask at […]

  • Hiring Emotionally Intelligent Leaders and Employees
  • One of the greatest challenges for any organization is the recruitment and selection process. That marks the first step in […]

  • Advice on dealing with ‘difficult people’ Who are the difficult people? Could they be us?!
  • We often fail to consider what role we ourselves play in the difficult relationship. If you’re having trouble with someone, […]

  • EI Practitioners Newsletter Christmas Issue 2020
  • Christmas in 2020 Christmas is a special day of the year for many different reasons according to different cultures. This […]

  • EI Practitioners Newsletter October 2020
  • How Emotional Intelligence & Diversity in Teams are related by Maria Caterina Capurro As Emotional Intelligence Practitioners or even if […]

  • Now is the time to raise our communications’ game!
  • Web Conferencing is a great way to expedite communication and it is the responsibility of the call host to decide […]

  • An inspirational leader cares about other people
  • A leader that inspires performance is a leader who finds joy and deep satisfaction in developing her or his people […]

  • EI Practitioners Newsletter June 2020
  • Covid 19 has hit our lives like a thunderbolt that forced us to change our routines, our ways of working, […]

  • Practical strategies to connect with our inner energy facing the ‘new normal’
  • Covid 19 has hit our lives like a thunderbolt that forced us to change our routines, our ways of working, […]

  • Mindful leadership
  • The context in which leaders need to operate now is more than ever a fluctuating one with significant changes not […]

  • Achieving Life Balance
  • What does ‘life balance’ mean to you? The definition of ‘life balance’ is entirely personal – it is founded on […]

  • The Root of Resilience: an Inside Job
  • The 5th capability in the Genos model of Emotional Intelligence is Self-Management. And the model makes it clear that if […]

  • Building Resilience for yourself and your team
  • The Covid-19 pandemic is delivering us all with a massive amount of uncertainty. Businesses are battling for survival and trying […]

  • Leave out feelings from your decisions at your peril!
  • The fourth dimension in the six dimensional Genos model of Emotional Intelligence is Emotional Reasoning. We are making decisions every […]

  • A Leader’s Choice
  • Common language can be very revealing under closer scrutiny. For example the ancient Greek word ‘krisis’ means a choice point. […]

  • EI Practitioners Newsletter 01/2020
  • Dear Genos E.I Practitioners, We hope you had a great start into the New Year. We wish you all to […]

  • Skillful Authenticity
  • In preparing to write this article I asked my partner Karin what the word authenticity meant to her and the […]

  • The simple 5-step process to creating emotionally intelligent teams
  • Stress can run high in the workplace. As managers you need to develop your self-awareness, understand and deal with your […]

  • Awareness of Others: Empathy vs. Insensitivity
  • People who seem to be unaware of other people and their needs. People who put their feet in their mouths […]

  • A Great Leader’s Primary Responsibility: To Be Self-Aware
  • The foundation stone and sine qua non of Emotional Intelligence is Self-Awareness. It is the basis of great leadership. The […]