

Being vulnerable and why it’s important

Episode: 024

In this second interview with Andy Lopata, author of ‘Connected Leadership’ and ‘Just Ask’, we home in on why being vulnerable is so important in the context of contemporary leadership and the massive disruption we’re all experiencing.

As a leader it is important to let other people help you. This is the emerging model of leadership that is required for these trying times – inclusive, authentic, open and transparent.

What does this mean in real behavioral terms? Andy shares stories that illustrate the role of courage in asking for help and how not to be offended when you are turned down. Leaders should not try to ‘gut it out’ on their own but realize it’s a sign of strength and resilience to reach out to others. Don’t assume people will be reluctant to help you. In fact 97% of the population will be flattered if you ask them for assistance and more than happy to contribute.

In short, this conversation is about being your best with the help of others.

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