

YOUth Can Change the World

Episode: 011

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders As true global citizens they hold the world in their hands. Yet they feel a great pressure on their shoulders. Leaders of today have a responsibility to ensure young people can navigate our ever changing fast-paced world. A world that the older generations have built, but seem to have forgotten to hand down the navigational guidebook and instructions to the younger generations. This brings many issues as well as wide ranging opportunities to the future of leadership. So, what challenges are young people facing and what can they bring to the world of tomorrow? What can current leaders do to bridge the needs gap for our aspiring future leaders and help them to tackle these challenges? What can you do to make a positive difference in the lives of youth to help create better leaders for tomorrow?

Leah Black, is a professionally-qualified youth and community practitioner and coach, who is dedicated to inspiring and empowering the next generations through mentoring, coaching, informal education and training. She has over 15 years’ experience working with communities and 11-25+ year olds in the UK, Ecuador, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda and virtually across the globe. Leah has worked in the charitable, mental health and education sectors and has gained a lot of experience working with young people from all kinds of backgrounds in a variety of roles and locations. She is the founder of ‘The Youth Mentor Coach’ (theyouthmentorcoach.com) and currently leads a number of youth programs.

Leah strongly believes that core life and social skills should be integrated into global mainstream education to help young people in their personal and professional development. She aspires for excellent coaching and mentoring to be available to all, without borders and barriers. Leah strives to prepare future generations to be the best they can be for themselves, others and the world; enabling young people to feel that they belong, can lead and be heard, succeed, thrive and “be the change they wish to see in the world” – Gandhi.

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