

Can the Bullying Leader be Redeemed?

Episode: 010

Bullying comes in many forms and most of the time goes unreported. We’ve all experienced bullying in our working lives at some point or another. This conversation begins with some truly stunning statistics about the endemic nature of bullying in organizations. We then discuss the effects of this bullying and the toll it takes on individuals, businesses and organizational cultures before moving on to explore what can be done about the bully leader. Can they be redeemed or indeed redeem themselves and how? Animah Kosai tells her own journey from being a bully boss to ‘seeing the light’ and changing her ways.

Animah Kosai is Founder & Director, Speak Up At Work Limited, and Co-founder, Speak Up Academy.

Animah speaks, writes and advises on workplace harassment, corporate wrongdoing and toxic work cultures. She is Malaysian, based in London and practiced law for 9 years in Malaysia, before joining the oil and gas industry as corporate counsel for 14 years.

Animah has given talks and trainings in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Singapore and London, as well as media interviews, on topics ranging from corruption and #MeToo, to global corporate scandals.

Animah co-founded the Speak Up Academy, a community of thought leaders and experts in the compliance world to explore solutions on speaking up and whistleblowing on critical issues as well as building safe and open organisational cultures. A certified coach, she co-facilitates weekly circles on the Speak Up Academy covering workplace harassment, speaking up and leadership.

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