
Building a Learning Community with Martin Barner (Part 2)

In this Part 2 of Martin Barner’s interview about ‘Building a Learning Community’ he poses some key questions including “What do you want to learn?” “What’s the purpose you’re striving towards?”. Martin feels it’s important for people to take ownership of their own learning and answer the question “Where and how do I want to learn?” 

A benefit of virtual learning is that it has become more accessible and even ‘democratised’ through being more scalable and not limited by travel. Martin mentions the Novartis ‘Unbossed Leadership Experience’ (a self-awareness program) that is now being rolled out to five thousand leaders a year at the company thanks to the virtual nature of the program. 

Another question Martin answers is: “Will the rise of remote working widen or narrow the talent pool?” He says that it does widen that pool and explains with concrete stories how it can broaden it. Integral to this expansion is remote and flexible working conditions.

Join us in this episode, in partnership with The Business Transformation Network (The BTN) to know more about building a learning community and some of the initiatives that Novartis rolled out internally to develop their employees.

Up next...

  • Turning Nerves into Power
  • Building an Unshakeable You
  • What Business Leaders Can Learn from the Olympic Games
  • Executive Insights – Episode 10
  • “Learning By Breaking From Groups”